While we like to shout about the benefit of our product from the rooftop, no one says it better than our customers.

In 2020 we ran a survey of almost 1,000 of our customers and asked them to tell us about their experience with taking their shots. We were interested to know what benefits our customers felt, and whether those benefits increased over time with continual use. We found the results really interesting, so we thought we’d share the results with you.


⭐ Of our customers who take their shots, it is those who take it daily that see the most benefit.

⭐ The longer our customers take their shots, the more pronounced the benefits become.

⭐ The greatest areas of improvement over longer term usage were an improvement in energy levels, overall health and wellbeing, and less coughs and colds.

We all know good nutrition is the foundation of health. Eating a balanced diet and getting your recommended intake of fruits and vegetables is crucial in ensuring your body is operating at optimum levels, and that your immune system is supported. The survey results show us just how much of an impact increasing your intake of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables can be to your health and wellbeing.

The following graph shows what percentage of customers reported improved areas of their health and wellbeing after 1 month of taking the shots, and after 6 months of taking the shots.

The benefits felt from our shotsers that blew us away were:

⭐ 58% of customers felt better about their health and wellbeing after a month, but this went up to 88% after 6 months.

⭐ Half of our customers felt more energy after only 1 month of taking the shots, but this increased to 86% after 6 months!

⭐ A whopping 83% of customers reported experiencing fewer coughs and colds after 6 months of taking the shots.

So, how do our shots help with coughs and colds?

Nutrients such as the polyphenols and carotenoids in brightly coloured fruit and vegetables support our immune system’s ability to fight infection. Polyphenol-rich foods can also help prevent and treat common colds and flu.

Blackcurrants, which can be found in our Red and Double Shot powders, are one of the densest known sources of the polyphenol antioxidant class called anthocyanins, which have been shown to help our immune system defend us against other viral infections, such as those that cause common colds. Studies have shown that anthocyanins can prevent influenza viruses from penetrating human cells and may inhibit viral release once the cell is infected. Because of this, blackcurrants have been shown to benefit those with seasonal flu and are a wonderful complement to an already healthy wholefood diet.

 We love that our superfood shots give people an easy, fast way to dial up their nutrition in a few minutes every day with plant-based goodness. If nothing else, you are getting 4 servings of leafy green vegetables and antioxidant-rich berries in one shot. To give them a go and feel the benefits yourself, check out the get started page.



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