So, you’re over your illness, but you’re still feeling “blah”. Just as an illness might last a week or longer, so too might it take a few weeks to feel like your vibrant, energetic self again.

There’s no magic trick that can bring you back to instant health, but there are some tried and true ways to support your recovery which can help to speed up the process.



Keeping yourself hydrated during illness and through recovery can prevent your symptoms from getting worse, as dehydration can cause light-headedness, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. Keeping hydrated flushes out nasty toxins and keeps our lymph nodes functioning correctly, allowing our body to focus its energy on recovery and fight any last traces of illness.

Hydration isn’t just drinking water – herbal tea, lemon water, smoothies, and your daily shots are also great options, and also provide a nutrient-boost. Try the Green Goodness smoothie, full of nutrients and manuka honey, which is known for its immunity and healing properties. Or the Strawberry Mint Double Shot smoothie, packed full of leafy greens and antioxidant-rich berries.

It’s also important to replenish your electrolyte stores, which are critical for regulating the water levels in your body. It’s easy to become deficient in electrolytes after being physically sick, so make sure you are getting enough Sodium and Potassium in your diet. Eating fruit and vegetables will help with this, or coconut water or an electrolyte solution for a quick and easy boost.


Eat restorative foods

Comfort food such as takeaways can be tempting after feeling unwell, but it’s important to nourish your body with nutritious food while trying to rebuild your health. If you’re in the early stages of recovery, particularly from a stomach bug, choose foods that are easy on the stomach, such as brown rice, dry toast, simple soup, apples, or bananas. When you’re feeling able to eat normally again, choose whole foods* and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins and nutrients and will boost your antioxidant intake, which is crucial to help cells function fully. A super simple and convenient way to get 8 fruit and vegetable superfoods in one go is the Double Shot, well known to improve health and boost energy.

“I ordered it after covid too as I felt fatigued even walking to the kitchen to make a cup of tea a week after my day 7 test. It's day 4 of shots today and I’m already feeling a lot more energetic, I hope you feel better soon too (P.S. Covid made all my joints ache, including arthritic hands, I had some relief finally yesterday).” - Sarah Williams


Probiotics for good bacteria

If your doctor prescribed antibiotics to beat a nasty bacterial infection, you might experience some after-effects. This occurs because antibiotics can also destroy the ‘good’ bacteria in your gut which aids in digestion, prevents the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, and has a strong connection to our mood and overall health. It’s important to replenish ‘good’ gut bacteria as much of our immunity is centered in our gut. You can do this easily by eating foods rich in probiotics, such as yoghurt, kefir, unpasteurised Kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, or miso. Consuming prebiotic food which feeds the good bacteria is also important – foods such as oats, garlic, onions, apples, and bananas are great options.



Getting good sleep is vital in helping you get back to your vibrant self, even after your illness has passed. It’s the time when your body makes the biggest gains in healing, so try to get as much as possible. Manage your sleep schedule as proactively as you can, try get more sleep than usual and make sure it’s restful. Focus on your sleep hygiene by creating a bedtime routine and a cosy, sleep-inducing environment. Taking the time to truly rest your body and mind is just as important, so don’t be discouraged if sleeping is a difficult task for you. Read our article on how to help you get good zzz’s.


Turn off those screens

Phones, TVs, and tablets all emit blue light which causes strain on your eyes. Blue light is also linked to physical and mental fatigue - energy you should be reserving for healing. You might think this is the perfect time to binge watch Friends or scroll through social media, but it only distracts you from self-care and the rest you really need. Make sure you turn all devices off at least 1 hour prior to sleep time, so that your brain has enough time to ‘switch off’.


Stretch and ease back into workout routines

Exercise creates a demand for energy which the body produces naturally in response to the need. But don’t push yourself too hard at first, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time in bed recently. Start slow with walking and low-intensity workouts to get yourself back up to your pre-illness levels. You might find that your muscles and joints have become a little stiff and achy, so try stretching to warm up your muscles again. The main thing is not to overtax your body.


Ask for help

Taking on too much too soon can put you right back into that sick bed. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help, whether that’s with chores around the house or taking the kids to their afternoon activities. Asking for help from a spouse, friend, or family member can mean the difference between a slow and fast recovery.


When recovering from an illness its best to ease your way back in by taking baby steps when returning to work, life, and fitness routines. You'll bounce back in no time! And as always, consult your doctor, dietitian, nutritionist, or health professional for expert advice if you have any concerns.


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