We're honing in on the power of our key superfood ingredient (blackcurrants) on brain health. 

A recent study by the University of Auckland found that NZ blackcurrants are packed full of a key brain nutrient that helps fight age-related brain conditions and helps maintain whole-body health and wellness. 

Associate Professor Dr Jian Guan discovered high levels of cyclic Glycine-Proline (cGP), a key brain nutrient that normalises the Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) function a hormone in New Zealand blackcurrants.

Dr Guan, has researched cGP for nearly 30 years. People with age-related issues commonly have low levels of cGP, as it can decline with age. Dr Guan came across “the power of New Zealand blackcurrants” by chance when researching levels of cGP in patients who had New Zealand blackcurrants added to their diet. She found increased levels of cGP after four weeks of a measured amount of blackcurrant.

“I like to call it the maintenance of ageing" says Dr Guan. This finding about New Zealand blackcurrants is very exciting because it is something completely natural with the ability to maintain the health of an ageing body and mind.

Small but mighty, NZ blackcurrants pack a powerful punch. So many of our team of Shotsters reported in a recent survey feeling so much better since taking them as part of their daily routine. 

Stevie wrote:

"My husband and I work approximately 120 hours a week between us. It's hard to keep a balanced diet when we only eat 1 or 2 meals a week together.
My husband had seen you guys on Facebook and thought this would be good for us. I can tell you it has been. Not just because of the extra energy, better sleeping, and clearer skin. But now when we have time together, it's never wasted. Fatigue is a thing of the past. We get out and about and do more things together.

Our moods have improved significantly. Even if we are worn out from a long week, we are not as cranky. I put this all down to our Shots. So thank you."


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