We’re in love with green vegetables. No really, we really love them.

Dark green leafy vegetables are among the best foods on the planet. They’re nutrient-dense which means they’re crammed full of vitamins and minerals, and other good things like fibre, chlorophyll, folate and antioxidants to name but a few.

Harvard’s School of Public Health says that eating fruits and veges can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower digestive problems and lower blood pressure. Additionally, eating veges over higher-calorie foods can help promote weight loss [1]. Not to mention all those extra nutrients help to improve skin, hair and nails!

We know not everyone feels this way about veges and some of us struggle to eat them with any frequency, so we thought we’d share our favourite ways of sneaking extra veges in to our diets.

Spinach omelette
This is an easy way to sneak in your daily dose of greens! Your kids will even enjoy this. Add the spinach to a pan with a little water for a few minutes until wilted. Set aside and cook the omelette as you usually would, adding the spinach back in with your other toppings. Simple, tasty and oh-so-nutritious!

This is a fun nutrient-dense twist on traditional guacamole and can be created with almost any household classic guacamole recipe! Simply smash or blitz an avocado with a handful of kale and whatever other go to guacamole ingredients you love. Serve with homemade pita crisps or corn chips.

Pad Thai zoodles
Zoodles (Zucchini ribbons) are the perfect swap for rice noodles as not only do they cook quicker, they also have a far greater nutritional profile. Our favourite zoodle Pad Thai recipe is this quick and easy 10-minute shrimp zoodle Pad Thai. The shrimp can easily be substituted for any protein you like - our personal favourite is tofu! Click here to try the recipe.

Green breakfast smoothies
Whether it is simply adding a handful of spinach to your traditional morning smoothie or testing out a new recipe, getting your greens in early is a great way to ensure you’re starting the day on the right foot. If you’re looking for some new inspiration, you can checkout one of our Nutrient Rescue fan favourites. Our Green Shot smoothie is packed full of superfoods to give you the best possible start to the day.

Homemade kale chips
Swapping out your traditional potato crips for a healthier alternative such as kale chips is not only nutritionally better, it also allows you to control the amount of oil and salt used. Kale is often known as the Queen of the greens, as it’s packed full of Vitamin K, fibre and folate. You can find our favourite recipe for kale chips here. One of our top tips is to ensure you use curly kale as it gives the chips a delicious added crunch!

Superfood Double Shot
One of the simplest and convenient ways to get added greens in is to take your daily Double Shot. Each shot gives you 4 of your 5+ a day fruits and vegetables. It couldn’t be more simple than that. You can add this to smoothies or a variety of meals to sneak these in if you have fussy kids. Have a look at our recipes for some kid friendly inspiration.

Grab your Double Shot today.


[1] Bertoia ML, Mukamal KJ, Cahill LE, Hou T, Ludwig DS, Mozaffarian D, Willett WC, Hu FB, Rimm EB. Changes in intake of fruits and vegetables and weight change in United States men and women followed for up to 24 years: analysis from three prospective cohort studies. PLoS medicine. 2015 Sep 22;12(9):e1001878.

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